Dues are $50 per year which include a link on our website.
We will also provide you with a vinyl cling window sign designating you as a BBA member.
An additional benefit of joining the BBA, is that you can get a 10% discount on your ads in the Bath Country Journal.
The BBA Mission Statement
To promote business in Bath while preserving and enhancing the rural, scenic, and historical identity of the hamlets of Ghent, Bath Center, and Hammond Corners along the Cleveland-Massillon Road Corridor thus providing a pleasurable destination for residents and visitors. To communicate with the Township government to encourage the essence of small town business development as outlined in the Bath Township Comprehensive Plan while utilizing state Scenic Byway status. To create a business network that supports the community, each other, and is a positive influence in Bath.
2024 BBA Membership Dues
Regardless of your initial membership date (unless your membership is grandfathered from late in the year), annual Bath Business Association dues must be paid by Dec. 31 for the following year. The annual dues are $50 with checks payable to Bath Business Association. After the Dec. 31 date, the dues will increase by $5 per month. If dues remain unpaid by Feb. 28, members will be removed from email lists and the website.
Advantages of Bath Business Association membership include:
• 12 monthly membership meetings
• 5”x7” reusable color BBA Logo membership decal for your office or auto
• Your business name and contact information on the BBA website, including a link to your email and website
• Your business name listed in BBA-sponsored advertisements
• Opportunity to include promotional materials for your business in BBA Welcome Bags, distributed monthly to new Bath residents
• Opportunity to give a short presentation on your business at meetings
• Sponsorship or participation in the annual BBA Wye Road Bridge Lighting
• Invitation to BBA-sponsored social events
The Bath Business Association is responsible for distributing Welcome Bags to new residents coming into Bath Township. The listing of people moving into the community is provided to the BBA on a monthly basis by township officials. Welcome bags – filled with township information as well as small gifts items, discount coupons, and information about the BBA-member businesses – are then delivered to the new residents by a BBA member. Business-related information, such as brochures, coupons, business cards or promotional items – is limited to BBA members. For more information, please contact Nancy Fay at 330-666-3347.
During its nearly 20-year history and in addition to the above, the BBA has been involved in a number of township projects and events including:
Township-wide Candidates’ Nights/Forums
Compilation and publication of the Bath Township Directory
BBA-sponsored Zoning Forum in cooperation with Bath Township Zoning Department
Participation in Bath Community Day festivities
“Adoption” of a needy family or families living in the Bath community during the Christmas holiday season
Providing speakers and role models for the Revere High School business classes
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 5:30 - 6:30 pm at the Bath Township Building in the Trustee's Room unless otherwise announced, and more information is available at 330-666-3347 or by sending an email to Bath Business Association.